In an attempt to keep the city streets cleaner, the Maharashtra Government on Tuesday approved an anti-spitting law, under which the people found spitting on the roads shall be penalized. This law comes after viewing the rising trend among the people of spitting openly on the roads. This leads to diseases as serious as Tuberculosis and other airborne diseases.
The law penalizes the first time offender with a fine of Rs. 1,000 along with performing community service at a public office or government office. The penalty increases for the second time offenders with a fine of Rs. 3,000 and 3 days of community work. Whereas, the third time offender shall have to give a penalty of Rs. 5,000 and perform community work for 5 days. According to reports from the Maharashtra Government this law shall be put to action in the next six months.
The Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) is very serious on the implementation of this move to practice. This aims at the healthy lifestyle amongst the people, who would resist from chewing tobacco and spitting in public, by active penalizing process brought to action. The BMC commissioner shall take the charge of collecting fines and collecting data of the offenders. Police could also be given the authority to collect the fines.
This law aims at the goodness of the people of Maharashtra, and its active implementation is much needed to create a positive environment in the cities. It’s a dream of everyone to have beautiful roads, and this dream can only be fulfilled by adhering to the law and setting an example for other cities to take up.
MPSCinfoPORTAL community thanks and appreciates the Maharashtra Government and also requests other state government to implement such laws.
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